Monday, November 3, 2014

Staying "High Carb Vegan" While Travelling

As I mentioned in my previous post, I travelled around Europe last month.

I took a total of 7 flights (counting layovers), a few intercountry buses, and a train.
Some of the flights were very long and with long layovers.

So, how did I do to keep my diet on plan and not slip up?

...The answer is in that sentence. PLANNING.

I knew I was going to get hungry during the trips, and I knew I couldn't trust the airlines for getting enough (good) food.

So what I did was to ALWAYS bring fruit (dried and fresh) with me in my carry-on bag.

The specific choices were: apples, dates and fresh figs.
All these options travel well, don't spoil easily, and are quick and easy to grab and eat.

I would bring up to 1 kg of dates/dried figs and a bag of apples for a long trip or if I knew I wouldn't be able to stop somewhere to buy something or to cook.

I have to say that that worked pretty good.

In those long flights where they served food, I asked if they had any fresh fruit to give me instead of the meals. As it was expected, they didn't give me more than a big apple and a mandarin (but that's better than nothing, lol).

During my staying in Europe, I stayed either with friends or in hostels. Since I wouldn't spend too much time inside (I would walk around during the entire day), I ate mostly fresh fruit for breakfast and lunch, and cook some rice with vegetables at night. Some days I would eat nothing but fruit for the whole day.

Fruit is easy to get in ANY city of the world. Sometimes it is better quality, sometimes it is cheaper, but you can always get it. You just have to look for it.

I don't think there is anything better than fruit to eat on the go. A bunch (or two!) of bananas, a box of persimmons, a bag of clementines. There are many options and it's QUICK and EASY!

In supermarkets or in health food stores you can also get a wide variety of dried fruit or 100% whole grain rice cakes, which can be another good option..

So, that's my experience travelling while keeping the diet in check. PLANNING and DETERMINATION is what it takes. Anyone can do it!

I'm Back!

Hey guys! I'm back!

I'm sorry I haven't been able to keep this active during the last month, but I have been through a lot of stuff!

I had to leave Israel temporarily, so I decided to take a trip to Europe as a backpacker for a couple of weeks (it was my first time there, and it was pretty exciting!), and then come back to Argentina, to stay here for a few months before returning to Israel again.

I had the chance to visit a few cities: Amsterdam (Holland), Lille (France), Dublin (Ireland) and Barcelona (Spain).

As I said, I had a great time in each place, and even had the opportunity to run a half marathon in Marcq En Baroeul (France), where I got a new PR (1:31:07), and a 5k parkrun in Dublin, where I got also a PR (19:47).

I kept up with my running during my whole journey, which allowed me to traverse many places that I wouldn't have seen if I didn't spend so much time on my feet.
I also walked quite a lot everyday (probably about 3-5+ hours!)

Back in Buenos Aires, after 3 days of arriving, I ran the Buenos Aires Marathon, where I got a new PR as well (03:20:55). It seems that all that training during the hot summer in Israel really paid off!

Anyway, just wanted to say that I'm having more time again to keep the Blog active, so stay tuned for new posts coming soon!

Crushing it at the Buenos Aires 42K